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Jackson County Brevet

June 14, 2025 Jefferson, GA
Experience the rolling/flat terrain of Jackson County and the endless scenic views throughout the ride.

Proceeds donated to THE KELLY WILHITE APLASTIC ANEMIA RESEARCH FUND at Emory University. Every penny that goes to this Fund will go DIRECTLY to clinical research.



Aplastic Anemia (AA) is a very rare and deadly bone marrow failure disease and receives almost no funding for research. The treatment has not changed since 1986; this is unacceptable. Children 15 years old and younger account for 95% of all diagnosis of AA.




What is Aplastic Anemia?

Aplastic Anemia occurs when the bone marrow stops making enough blood-forming stem cells. Patients with aplastic anemia typically have low blood cell counts in all three blood lines – red blood cells, white blood cells, and platelets. Upon examination, the bone marrow is found to be hypoplastic or aplastic, meaning low growth or no growth of blood-forming stem cells..
Aplastic anemia is a life-threatening condition with very high death rates (about 70% within 1 year) if untreated. The overall five-year survival rate is about 80% for patients under age 20. In recent years, the long-term outcomes of aplastic anemia patients have been continuously improving.









Highlights from Past Races and Events

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Resources for Racers


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Training Plans

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Official Race App

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Stay Up To Date With The Latest Updates and Event Info

2015 JCB Jersey

Purchase 2015 JCB Cycling Apparel. NEW design. We are excited to offer Hincapie Sportswear's top-of-the-line Velocity apparel.

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Volunteers Needed

JCB is going to be bigger than ever! We need almost 200 volunteers for registration, music, food pick up and more. Sign up today and help this event become a reality.

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Thank You To Our Partners

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Alicia Milano, Divi Full Marathon – 1st Place


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